October 2012 - Dimensioning ISOS

It’s been a busy year although things are slowing down a bit up now.
Travels this year included Brazil where I taught a course in Rio de Janeiro which was interesting as I had a translater to Portuguese – lots of fun.
I have been teaching an online piping course for InIPED through the University of Zaragoza in Spain. It’s a whole new venture and needs some tweeking. However, it’s a good way for people who don’t have access to a local piping course to learn the ropes. If you’re interested contact Prof. Javier Blasco at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This months’ tip
OR ‘doctoring up’ COMPUTER GENERATED ISOS       

  1. Keep dimension lines clear of piping.
  2. Use horizontal dimensions and vertical elevations.
  3. Don't dimension fitting to fitting make up.
  4. Always dimension control valves and specify size and rating.
  5. Dimension to field welds.
  6. Always call out reducing fittings.
  7. Label all valves with the diameter.
  8. Tag all instrument connections.
  9. Specify equipment co-ordinates.
  10. Valve locations must be dimensioned if not fitting to fitting.
  11. When dimensioning to flanged components always show gaskets.
  12. Dimension to face of flg for flgd valves.
  13. Dimension to centre of valve for thr'd and s.w. valves.